Health project at PEPE in Mozambique

The health project is one of the complementary projects of the Pre-School Education Program ( PEPE), that has helped in the holistical development of children and the communities development.

With the arrival of this pandemic COVID-19, the teams of our PEPE unities were taken to continue the activities with children and their families even during social distancing, mainly contents related to health. The missionary-educators received from PEPE International of World Missions board (WMB) articles with information about washing hands and wearing masks for protection in order to avoid the virus spreading.

At PEPE Mozambique, with help of British Mission Society (BMS), 285 missionary educators received soap bars, masks and informative posters about COVID-19 and washing hands methods. Besides that, moe than 4.000 families of PEPE children were benefited with soap bar and informative poster. In the occasion we have received an offering and the coordinators were in charge of buying 4.285 soap bars, masks for the missionary-educators and to print and give the posters and other materials to the units. The missionary educators called on the children’s families, two by two, and gave the materials. The giving of the materials were still going on when the families thanked for PEPE’s gesture done to preserve the health of missionaries educators, of children and their families.

This action is answer to prayers of many around the world.

Let’s keep showing love through words and actions, in order to change the world with Jesus’ joy.

David Panganhe
Regional Coordinator of PEPE in Southern Africa

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