News from Venezuela

Receive with lots of love and a great hug and Venezuelan greetings.

In Venezuela we are very grateful to God for the support of the World Missions board through Childhood Education Program, PEPE. A Program, which has given us the training as a value tool, so assertive that allow us to help the communities in this difficult time that we live as a country offering the opportunity to basic studies, shelter, love, meal, health, clothing and shoes, that we could barely give the less favored children, that today are many, without this support.

This program has opened the doors for us to be God’s tool and to take a hope message to the children, the families, the community, the city, the state and the whole country. We have started in 2016 with 6 unit of PEPE in the Portuguese State, without offering more than the basic education and seeding the Word of God in their lives. We highlight that in 2017, we not only offer the already mentioned support, but we also have the opportunity to guarantee a snack, and in some cases food, because there are brothers among the people of God willing to donate beyond their resources sharing from what God has given them with the neighbor.

Nowadays, in Venezuela, this program allowed us to grow and mature in so many aspects. We have 69 Units of PEPE in 15 of the 23 States from the country, with 139 Missionary-educators, 5 official area coordinators, besides the 6 volunteer area coordinators. They assist 1.602 children and during the current year of 2019 among the 806 families contacted by PEPE Goes, we have already reached 506 decisions for Christ.

Our biggest challenge and deepest desire is to reach excellence in each unit of PEPE. We keep claiming for the Venezuelan crisis and also to intercede for the basic needs of the people. May God supply the food, personal hygiene supplies, school material, basic medicines, clothing, shoes and a financial recognizing for the missionary-educators.

“Venezuela is forever grateful for the arrival of WMB through PEPE. For us, the program means good news, solution and hope for this country in an emergency situation”.

Ruth Saraid de Marchan
Coordinator of PEPE Venezuela
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