PEPE helps missionary educator to fight against chronic disease

“Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.” (Jeremiah 33:6).

Elisa Hernández Mendieta, is 33 years old, is a missionary-educator of our Nicaraguan PEPEs. She has sent us a testimony of what God has done in her life through PEPE:

-I am completing three years as a missionary-educator at PEPE, Pre-School Education Program of the church Baptist Nazareth, in El Salto, city of d San Rafael del Sur, Nicaragua. Our PEPE is called “The little Shepherd”. It has been a great blessing in my life to be working with the children.
I had the privilege to grow in the Gospel and learn about the Bible since I was a child. When I was 25 years old, especially in 2012, a disease attacked my life changing completely my course. Up to that moment I had a normal life, but on those days everything drastically changed. I started to feel very ill, without physical strength and energy. So, I went to an appointment with the doctor and he gave the diagnostic of chronic kidney disease that he badly knew. He told me that it was very serious and I needed to start a hem dialysis treatment.

We were very scared because the treatment was too expensive and I needed to do three hem dialysis per week. Even though, since this moment I felt God’s hand on me, caring and supplying all the needed resources. I am completing seven years and 4 months of treatment with hem dialysis, three per week, and it is wonderful to see and feel all the care of God for me. I went through difficult moments, but the Lord never let me, He always showing me his great love. I have my husband and family beside me as a support, but the presence of God is really irreplaceable.

From the seven years of treatment, three I had been working with the children at PEPE, and this filled my days and helped me to overcome all the difficult stages of the infirmity. The love of the children and the pleasure to be a God’s tool to bless them, has renewed my strength. I know I live a normal life thanks to the mercies of God over me, and that’s why, I want to keep serving my God that is the best that ever happened in my life!!! All the honor and glory be given to God!

Elisa is in the waiting list for organs donation, so that she can be without the hem dialysis and can have a calmer life. Although her daily fights, she always arrive at PEPE smiling, hugging the children and taking God’s love to everyone around her. Let’s pray for a miracle of God in the life of our Missionary-Educator. With God there is nothing impossible!

Lizeth Trinidad
National Coordinator of PEPE in Nicaragua
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