Eighteen years of PEPE Mozambique

Between the days 12 and 16 th of August of the current year, happened at the Second Baptist Church in Beira, in Mozambique, the IV National Conference of PEPE.

The event had the participation of more than 145 missionary-educators and local representatives like Pr. Tomas Zefanias, the conference host, the missionary David Panganhe, Regional Coordinator of PEPE Southern Africa, and the Missionary Antônio Daniel, National Coordinator of PEPE Mozambique, besides the important guests that honored the Conference with meditations on God’s Word, the pastors Jerônimo Cessito and Manuel Jemuce.

In this memorable event it was highlighted the celebration of the eighteen years of PEPE’s presence in Mozambique. It is not difficult to measure the results of PEPE for the region, besides offering a quality pre-school education it is also available to promote the community development through the support in several areas. In 2001, when the program started in the country, it was opened three units of PEPE. Nowadays, there are 95 units that benefits almost five thousand children through the support of local churches. The event could highlight with excellence the result of PEPE’s presence through the testimony of some ex-pepitos that are today going to the university and are really influent in their communities.

During the event the new Implementation Manual for the units were presented by the General Coordinator of PEPE International, Missionary Terezinha Candieiro, the Missionary Sheila Arantes, member of the Consulting Board of PEPE, she has made an exposition of Meaningful Learning, and the Missionary Liz Vilela talked about the Child Protection Program and also about the Preventive and Educational Deontology Program.

Dix-sept ans du PEPE MozambiqueBesides all that, the Conference hosted the graduation of 16 Missionary-Educators trained during the year of 2018.It was 160 hours of course and 1 year of practice. It was a time of rejoice and gratefulness for everything God has done in Mozambique through PEPE.

Pray for PEPE Mozambique, for the whole leadership, for the missionary-educators and for each child assisted by our program. Pray that the Lord may guide each decision and strategy used in our region. Pray for each life changed by PEPE may also be a local changing agent.

God has done the earth to rejoice!

Hellen Alves
Pedagogical Advisor of PEPE International
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