Beira Being Rebuilt

For the 500.000 residents of Beira the greatest worry is the rebuilding of the fallen infrastructure and the roof fixing of those who lost the zinc (roof), or other physical damage caused by IDAI Cyclone. This worry is also part of the churches. The fear, despair, lack of hope, mistrust, suicide, corruption, and many others evil faces that has dominated the people’s heart, including the ones that are called elected people.

All this has seriously affected PEPE units in Beira, where parents and children were shaken. Although, we have seen the divine act and the restoring of the people by God’s power. The teams of the churches’ units have started to make prayer visitations and psychosocial support to the families. Therefore, these visitations were not able to be frequent because each one was thinking about his own situation and facing his own fears.

Beira Being Rebuilt

PEPE coordination was called to meet with the units to reinforce the contents related to PEPE GOES (Visitation Program and childhood support), intending to drive the churches to realize their role for the communities around them in any time and circumstance. We met with the missionary-educators on April 6th, 2019. At the moment we realized that that it wasn’t enough, that’s why, we had another meeting with pastors and leaders of the churches on April 27th, 2019. As a result of this investment we saw the units meeting with the parents to talk about the restoration God has for the families and the central message was “JESUS, THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN RESTORE OUR LIVES”. After one month working with the communities, finally the parents and responsible ones for the education agreed in leaving the children to continue the activities at the units. We are glad to inform you that all our units in the region are effectively acting with the children.

From the 1.350 children enrolled at the unit until the month of February in Beira and Dondo, 985 children are being assisted at the units of PEPE inside the area seriously affected by Cyclone IDAI.

The message that “JESUS CHRIST TAKES CARE OF US” is the message being sent at the units by the missionary-educators to the children, and through them, it has reached the community. Only this week, from May 3rd to 9th of 2019, seven units and communities were visited through the program PEPE GOES (Visitation Program and Childhood Support). Through this project the children have richly received the message that “ JESUS CHIRST TAKES CARE OF US”, and through this message PEPE is rebuilding the lives of the children, the missionary-educators, the parents and the responsible ones for education.

This is Beira being rebuilt!!!

David Panganhe
Regional Coordinator of PEPE Southern Africa
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