Report on the Situation of PEPE Units in Mozambique

We praise God for the life of the brothers and churches from Brazil who has given us the strength to keep fighting for survival and assisting the ones affected by the passage of the tropical cyclone Idai, in Mozambique.

We were sure that only the units in the city of Beira were affected, but in contact with the missionary-educators, we have the information that other 3 States/ Provinces of the Center area (Tete, Zambezia and Manica) were also affected.

In Tete province we have one unit, six trained missionary educators that were preparing themselves to start the activities with 30 children, but they could not do it due to the current situation.

In Zambezia province we have 8 units, 16 missionary educators, 210 children enrolled, specifically in Milange district that is closer to Malawi border. We are trying to contact the missionary educators, but we could not do it until today.

In Manica province, in the city Chimoio we have 4 units, 12 missionary educators, 140 children enrolled, where they suffered small material damages like the roof lost. One unit has sent us the pictures up to now. The area Coordinator from the Center of the country will travel this Thursday to meet with the units.

In Sofala province we have 24 units, 955 children, 77 missionary educators, where 1 “Pepe Door” unit had a total lost of their infrastructure including all the material in use, (Church Victorious Family). The same church has another unit in the district Nhamatanda where had a flood and the children and adults were evacuated to the city of Beira.

Yet in this province (Sofala), in the city of Beira we had 2 units (Pepe Flowers of light from the First Baptist Church of Beira and Pepe New Hope, from the New Hope Baptist church), with great damages in the infrastructure.

The other units that had a simple structure lost the roof and their educational material completely. Most of the communities we have visited, had their houses precariously built and had material and human losses.

In relation to the missionary educators we did not have any information about human loss. Up to now we advise the churches to give the assistance and support as they can, but due to the lack of first need food products in Beira, and at the same time the prices increase/speculation when buying and selling the same, makes everything very difficult.

The national coordinator guided the churches to start visiting the communities to know the real situation of the children.

In total 37 units were affected in the center of the country with more than 1400 children. The number might increase as we personally verify the situation.

We did the survey of the lost educational material which are: “books, exercise books, pencils, colored pencils, training and planning material, stolen chairs, A4 papers pack and others.” Besides those materials there was also the lost of food products that were kept at the units of PEPE.


David Panganhe 
Regional Coordinator of Southern Africa.
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