Hope to the Peruvian Pepitos

We are living a happy time in Peru.

Since October 22nd, the coordinator of PEPE in South America, Lidia Klava has been living wonderful experiences in Peruvian land. It has been a blessed time where we could share and encourage our team to follow serving our God in the best possible way.

In Piura, Peruvian countryside, where we have most of the Peruvian PEPE units, a training encounter happened for all the missionary educators of the country. “It was a blessing we could hear the testimonies, challenges, defeats and victories and especially we could see how our missionary educators are surrendering their lives to God service.” Said, Lídia.

In Peru, we have 832 enrolled children in our units of PEPE in this year. It means that we are working with 832 families only this year. This is, without doubts, a great missionary field.

It was also an encounter time. We met the shepherd president of the Peruvian Baptist Convention and with the shepherd director of evangelism and mission where we work with PEPE.

We counted with your prayers for our children and for our native coordinator, our sister Clorinda Alberca. Please, pray for the missionary educators, they are with the children every day!

Glory and Honor to our Lord!

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