PEPE grows in Argentina

Having overcome the barriers of the storm and the many hours on the road, we were able to arrive in Argentina to carry out the 2nd National Formation of PEPE Network 2022. The event took place from 24 to 27 February at the “Santiago Canclini” Institute in the state of Misiones.

The training was performed simultaneously in face-to-face and virtual mode to reach all states where we have PEPE units. In the mornings, we performed basic training, and in the afternoons, continued training. With an excellent technical team for live streaming, we have also managed to reach churches and leaders in other states who are preparing to open new PEPEs this year.

The experience was very rewarding. National coordinator Graciela Alencastro worked on the smallest details alongside her husband Wilfrido, a man with a great heart, who followed the entire process of preparation, transportation, and food supply.

Even with the pandemic protocols, we were able to visit several Pepes and get to know the reality of each local team. One unit that caught my attention was the PEPE “Pastorcitos”, which opened within the Theological Seminary with the vision of working with the children of the neighborhood. This unit already has a group of more than 50 children enrolled and divided into 3 rooms.

PEPE in Argentina is experiencing sustainable growth. This year, as the result of much effort and training, 3 new units were opened. Let us continue to pray for the children of this beautiful country, for the national team, for the pastors, and for more PEPE units to be opened and, more children to be reached.

Pr. Rubén González
Regional Coordinator of South America

Translated by Letícia Pedrosa Rodrigues

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