Clean water to the children from El Salvador

The organizations Filter of Hope and Convoy of Hope have been supported a lot of PEPE’s units of El Salvador. This partnership of national level allowed us to benefit 19 families of the unity “Soldaditos de Jesus” with one water filter to each one.

In this community, the consumed water is from artesian wells or sources, what causes gastrointestinal illnesses. Now, more than 100 people are going to enjoy the purified water thanks to these actions. The filters were mounted by the mothers in a training given by the technicians of the organizations.

The river Lempa, main resource of water in El Salvador, has been suffering a fast process of degradation for decades, what puts at risk the supply of drinking water. Around 74% of Salvadoran homes are supplied with water, even if the majority of the served areas are intermittent. In rural areas, only 32% of populations have access to water services, and this water is not necessarily clean. Therefore, this project is essential to offer better conditions to the health of children.

Our goal, besides providing filter, is winning these families to Christ, thus, we share a Biblical message, making an analogy between the filter and salvation, showing Jesus as a source of living water, as we read in John 4.

We praise God because of these assisted families, but we have many others needing a filter, as the case of Chalatenango, where children drink water from a polluted river, contracting diseases. Pray for us and contribute to PEPE.

Veronica Torrento
PEPE El Salvador coordinator

Carmen Lígia – text editon

Translated by Débora Cristina Ribeiro dos Santos

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