PEPE Peru – Testimony of a mother

My name is Gabriela Sandoval Muñoz and today I want to tell you a small part of my personal testimony about how I met JESUS.

My son Gabriel was a very uneasy child, he used to study in a school near my house, but because of he was restless, he had a lot of trouble with his teacher. After many tough situations, when I still did not know what was going on, I decided to stop taking him to school and start to teach him at home, by myself, because I did not know what to do. I was going through huge marital problems with my husband and we were already split up because there was no solution for us as a couple or as a family. I was suffering in silence.

But I did not know that God had a plan for my life and, in my marriage, one day, in my despair, God sent Pastor Clorinda, PEPE coordinator, to visit me. Now I examine my life and strongly believe that God saw my affliction and had mercy on me.

While she visited me and talked to me about God, she saw Gabriel and just asked: “why this guy isn’t in school?” I answered that his teacher did not know how to guide him and had no patience with him. Not even thinking she said: “Gabriel is going to study in PEPE!”. Immediately he was enrolled, they started to treat him with a lot of kindness and patience that in few weeks we could already see the change in the life of our little Gabriel.

My heart was broken when I saw my child being loved and cared, and then I made a decision that changed my life when I accepted Jesus as my savior. I joined the church “Baptist Church God, my Liberator” and God started the missionary work in my life in an extraordinary way. Pastor Clorinda was a missionary-educator in PEPE and we discovered a talent for music and theater. Everything he learned in PEPE, he used to share at home as if he was preaching, specially to his dad.

I started to hold on to the promise that God gave us: “My house and I will serve the Lord”. After a while praying, God touched the heart of my husband. I can say for sure in my heart that God used Gabriel in his young age to save all our family. We were baptized, we got married and the Lord gave us another gorgeous gift: Ana, our little child, so pretty for who I was praying to the Lord, later she also studied in PEPE. God kept his work in our family, calling us for the ministry. Today we shepherd a church, where Gabriel sings and teach the Word to teenagers, and our little daughter Ana teach the kids.

At that time, Got let us follow the example of that servant of the Lord that He sent to my house. Today we start a new church with a PEPE unit, in a needy area of the city and I am convinced that the program is a very good way to restore the life of the children and their families.

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” Jeremiah 33.3

I thank the Lord for the last 16 years in service of the Lord in PEPE! I see many children that I taught becoming young adults and, when I find them, they complement me with respect and love. Today I am not teaching in the classrooms anymore, but until the Lord want, I will keep serving PEPE.

Clorinda Alberca
PEPE Peru coordinator

Translated by Débora Cristina Ribeiro dos Santos

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