PEPE of Honduras celebrates the independence!

In Honduras, PEPE is an oasis making the difference in the lives of many children. The missionary-educators, with a lot of love and dedication, guide de children, giving them an integral care. They also teach them to love and honor the country just as they have done with the children of PEPE Eleonora Valle, in Intubicá, who went out on the streets with their flags, typical clothes, playing tambourines and marching happily celebrating the Independence Day. The joy was big because at the same day they could celebrate children day, receiving from the missionary-educators a beautiful party with gifts, games and a delicious snack.

Before this scenario that we live at a world level, we can find thousands of children who are victims of violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect. According to UNICEF, 3 out of 5 children who lost the school year in the pandemic time in the world, live in Latin America and Caribbean. Yet, according to UN, at least 40 million children in the whole world lost the preschool education, which is so important for them to succeed in their studies.

Honduras, a beautiful country from Central America, has a little bit more of 9 million inhabitants, from which 66% (6 million) live in poverty, and from these, 45% in extreme poverty, living with less than 1 dollar per day, including in these figures thousands of children. It is also the second biggest country in extension, but with a little developed economy, what makes of it one of the poorest countries of the American Continent.

The great missionary Paul recommended to Timothy: “pray for the ones in authority, for them to have a peaceful and calm life, characterized by devotion and dignity.” (1 Timothy 2: 1,2). It is exactly what we teach at PEPE: to pray for the country so that they understand that only in God they can have peace.

Pray for Honduras, for the team and our coordinator of PEPE, Alejandra Milla. That PEPE may keep growing to change today many lives that in the future will make the difference in the country.

Carmen Ligia
Continental Coordinator of PEPE Americas


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