PEPE Angola already has 34 units in face-to-face system

Of the 55 units we must equip, in order to prepare them for the return to activities 34 are already ready. This means that these units bring together all the biosecurity conditions necessary to combat covid-19.

According to the national coordinator, Manuel Wafumbua, the 34 units benefit 1360 children. Every weekday the children come to PEPE to do the activities and to receive a meal.

The other 21 units, which benefit 352 children, are performing their activities at home. For this, PEPE teams were guided to follow the entire protocol of protection and care against Covid-19. Thus, the welfare of children, their families and of the missionary-educators themselves has been guaranteed.

The 352 children receive a visit from PEPE unit team once a week. On this visit they gain learning materials, have a time of prayer and share a Bible lesson. It is the parents and guardians who will ensure that the children develop the activities later.

PEPE Angola has today 55 units of PEPE, 1712 children benefited and 98 missionaries-educators.

David Panganhe
Regional Coordinator of West Africa

Translated by David Balmant do Espirito Santo

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