A PEPE in the last place of the earth

In a city in Venezuela, there is a PEPE unit located really far away. In this city, social crisis are great and many children whose parents are addicted to drugs or live in prostitution end up going into delinquency, learning to use weapons and stealing. Many of them end up abandoned and living on the streets. Not having anything to eat, having no one to care for them, not being protected, they fall into the traps of people without character and are inserted in criminal groups. That is why this unit is known as the PEPE at the last place on earth.

God, who knows the hearts and loves those children, sent Mary, our valiant missionary-educator who for 4 years, has been making a difference in the lives of many children that God has sent to that PEPE. Maria is well known in the community and ends up being protected in her neighborhood because everyone knows that she takes care of children there. With a heart full of love, a sincere smile, a kind look, the missionary-educator has dedicated her life to giving a new future to these children.

God also sent Armelaine, a volunteer who is a seamstress. She made several masks so that children can go to PEPE protected, as this is one of the requirements for biosafety in this pandemic time. As children eat only at PEPE, it is important that they comply with the government’s requirement not to be absent.

We ask you to pray for PEPE in the last place on earth, for the protection of each child. Pray also that God will send resources so that they have at least a meal a day and, thus, they can have better nutritional health.

Ruth Saraid Cordero
PEPE VENEZUELA National Coordinator

Carmen Ligia – Text Editing

Gerson P. Raquissone – Translation

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