New volunteers in South Asia!

New volunteers from both countries in South Asia where PEPE is present, are in formation and support the work of the missionary-educators in two units, one in East Timor and other in our second country.

After a year waiting and seeking for volunteers, the national coordination from both countries gave the base training for them, and one of the helpers started working at the unit in the capital of East Timor up to March, but due to the lockdown they stopped the activities in person with children and they kept the contact with them and their families by telephone.

The other two units in the inner part of the country keeps working, but they still seek for volunteers to support the educators there as well.

In the other country, where we started PEPE last year, after identifying the new helper, the national coordinator started the base training with her and used the opportunity to review with the other missionary-educators, as the unit keeps without in person activities due to a lockdown that lasts over a year.

We count on your prayers for our children and the whole team of PEPE in South Asia, especially for new volunteers. That they may also live the Power to change!

Halima Ferreira
Regional Coordination of PEPE in South Asia.

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