Volcano aggravates crisis in Guatemala

On March 26th, 25 people died and other 32 hundred was taken out of their houses because of the eruption of Fuego volcano, in Guatemala. Ashes and rocks were thrown 14763 feet above sea level. The heavy smoke and the flow of rocks that descended the flanks of the volcano hit houses and roads. None of our PEPEs were harmed by lava, but the ashes are compromising children’s respiratory system.

The Fuego volcano continues to have 11 eruptions every hour. Guatemala has 31 active volcanos. The Fuego volcano is the most active volcano of Central America and one of the most active in the world. This eruption aggravated the situation of hospitals in the region, which were already collapsing due to the strong advance of Covid-19. Now, the whole country suffers with the situation and many families are grieving.

Because of that, PEPEs are working virtually. Every week, each child gets the homework and a bag with basic food and on weekends they deliver it to be corrected. Only one PEPE is working in-person, because they can maintain the bio safety measures against Sars-Cov-2.

In Quetzal City, PEPE’s kids receive daily food through Guatemala Baptist Convention. We thank God for that! However, I invite you to pray for another hundred kids may also receive help in Indians Communities. Pray for new maintainers to feed our children. Pray for a new printer too, to facilitate the preparation of teaching materials.

Nora Mendoza
Guatemala’s PEPE Coordinator

Carmen Lígia – Editor

Translated by David Balmant do Espirito Santo

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