After 20 years of settlement with its first residents, the Brisas del Est neighborhood, in the Dominican Republic, still does not have paved streets, sidewalks or curbs. This causes residents, especially children, to suffer from respiratory illnesses due to the dust raised by vehicles.

In addition to the lack of basic infrastructure, this community with more than 50 thousand inhabitants faces problems such as crime, blackouts, lack of lighting and drug trafficking, problems that, according to community leaders, occur with the complicity of those who should combat them. The streets are in such poor condition that it is impossible to get around on foot or by car, both on rainy and dry days. Many children suffer and need care.
Given this reality, how can we help these children and their families? The answer is PEPE! We not only offer education, but we also meet the needs of families and the community through social projects.
In the midst of so many needs, PEPE is committed to helping children get to know Jesus and receive a comprehensive education. With the work of national and regional coordination, we opened a new unit in Brisas del Este, benefiting 105 children and bringing hope to their hearts. For these children, a new perspective of a better tomorrow was born!
Pray for the 16 PEPEs and the 750 children, in addition to their families, who are part of this challenge in 2024!
To our great God, all the honor and all the glory!
Pastor Daniel Cordero
National Coordinator of PEPE Dominican
Text adaptation: Carmen Ligia