Walking by Faith on the Paraguayan Pepes

We have closed 2020 doing the graduation of many children from our PEPE’s, who this year went to the first year of primary school.

We praise God for each victory reached, because even in the middle of this crisis due to pandemic, our missionary-educators boldly and full of power, love and temperance as we can read in 2 Timothy 1:7, overcame the barriers and kept the activities virtually or even going to the children’s homes. The Paraguayan PEPE team held on and PEPE did not stop!

Exactly when was born PEPE in the city Capitan Bado which is 450 km of Assumption the capital of Paraguay, the pandemic arrived and everything was closed. Then PEPE’s director very sad told me that the church has decided to close PEPE. When I asked the reason for such decision, she told me that many children withdrew PEPE because of the pandemic and there were not enough children to continue with opened doors. I asked how many children were still at the program and she told me there were only 12 children. Then I told her to not stop because of the losses, at last 12 was a perfect number; there are 12 small lives who need to be loved, cared and taught. Besides that, God gave us one more present to honor those brothers’ faithfulness, which was, the Ministry of Education has approved PEPE to work in that church. This year they are already with 25 children registered at PEPE.

We started 2021 registering in each one the 56 units we have in the country so that with God’s permission we restart the activities in March. Pray for PEPE in Paraguay, for us to keep taking the changing Power of God to many children and their families in the whole country.

Javier Galarza
National coordinator of PEPE PARAGUAY

Carmen Lígia (text edition) – continental coordinator of PEPE AMERICAS

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