Units in Chile can be closed

Chile appears in second place in terms of vaccination process. However, this advance is not reflected in the satisfaction population’s needs regarding food, health, education, love, emotional support, and security. To answer these demands, the PEPE’s network in Chile, both in rural and urban areas, performs multiple actions like donation of food, clothes, and courseware, and principally, the proclamation of the message of salvation.

Although, we received the sad news that some of our PEPE’s will not be able to continue working, because they do not have the possibility of connection to the internet. As the demands of Education Ministry are very high, and we were unable to comply, we will not be able to maintain the presential activities. With this, the social inequality became more evident, since it is necessary the use of technological means to access the activities. Although, many students do not have internet to participate of the tasks, since their parents lost their jobs and are in economic difficulties.

The lost of these PEPE’s constitutes a great sadness because many children and their families will lose the opportunity of knowing that God offers a different life, that his love is infinity, and that he takes care of us. Even in the middle of all this crisis, we continue making partnerships to feed and dress children that, in the actual situation, are only surviving.

We ask for your prayers for Chile and for each PEPE that should close their doors, for the Lord works. Pray also for the missionary-educators because they are exhausted with this sad news. Pray even to the Lord to allow us to have the great joy, despite the pandemic, to see new doors opening for more PEPE’s units to be started.

Maria Amália Sepúlveda
National Coordinator of PEPE Chile

Carmen Ligia (text edition) – Continental Coordinator of PEPE Americas

Translated by: Mylena Maria Martins de Oliveira Lopes

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