Rice for PEPEs of Guatemala

The national coordinator of PEPE in Guatemala keeps working to relieve the food need of our children, which got serious due to the pandemic. As rice is one of the basic food in Guatemala, nothing is better than make it adding vitamins and nutrients that help to feed adequate children, thus, contributing to a healthy growth. The reinforced rice, as we call it arrives through a partnership with a North American ministry.

Besides the strong restrictions movement imposed by the government due to the increase of Covid-19 cases in the country, we keep firm organizing ourselves and setting the work for our children not to be hungry. Each week we separate the rice packages, put them into boxes and distribute from house to house so that parents and guardians can prepare them for our children. Be able to take food to the hungry is following the example of our Lord Jesus when he said to the disciples in Luke 9:13: “You give them what to eat”. It is also our mission to feed the hungry.

We thank God for the ministry Abundant Rain, which sends us this blessed rice. We also thank for the resources we have received from World Missions Board and all the volunteers that support us in order to make the food to arrive for each PEPE child in Guatemala! We thank God for the opportunity to change lives of children, families, and communities with the joy of our Saviour Jesus!

Pray for the resources to keep coming, and thus, the rice will keep feeding many children.

Gladys Ortiz
Regional coordinator of PEPE Central America

Text edition: Carmen Ligia – Continental Coordinator of PEPE Americas

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