Release – Coronavirus

PEPE sympathizes with all the children, families and communities during this challenging moment of facing the CORONAVIRUS.

More than ever we restate our commitment of taking hope to the child’s heart promoting their holistical development and protection, as a way to show Jesus’love not only in words but also in actions.

We recommend the whole team of PEPE of every country to follow the protocols of prevention measures, hygiene and social isolation to avoid the spread of the virus and minimize the impact on the lives of everybody, especially those belonging to the risk group.

We, from PEPE team, will be continuously in communication and monitoring our team and the children enrolled at the local churches projects.

Let’s be united in prayer and prevention and protection actions to as soon as possible we may overcome this pandemic that has caused a great impact in all areas.

We are not forsaken, the Lord is Emmanuel, God with us.

May He bless you all,
General Coordination of PEPE International

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