Prevention measures are taken to restart the classes

The preparation to reopen the units of PEPE in Angola has started. We are working for the school activities’ return are safe for the students and team. For that, we had a lecture with our children’s parents and guardians and missionary-educators in the city UIGE.

Parents and guardians were informed about the safety measures not only at the units but also in their homes. They were also instructed to provide masks for children and prepare them psychologically to return to classes, because the practices at the school environment will be affected in order to guarantee the children, educators and their families’ well-being.

With this lecture, parents and committee were called to actively participate on the teaching-learning process, understanding the new normal to which we were subdued since COVID-19 arrived in our communities. We also gave them the opportunity to express their opinion about the debating topic, which was very productive. The committee and the parents thanked for the coordination’s initiative in bringing this issue before restarting the classes.

Beside the lectures, other measures were taken. The national coordination with the area coordinators and missionary-educators had other meetings with parents and guardians of the children in order to work together for the child’s protection, mainly in the fight against COVID-19.

Manuel Wafumbua
National Coordinator of PEPE Angola

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