PEPE’s educator continues her ministry from her home!

These last two months were not easy for our South Asia team, our national coordinator got the typhoid fever and when he was getting better, his wife, our PEPE educator also got the fever. After a long prayer time for their lives, both started getting better.

This month of October, even feeling weak and without being able to leave her house, our educator, talked and prayed with two families of our PEPE children by telephone. And knowing about her health state, two other families went to our educator’s house, and there she shared with them about our Father’s love, these two families accepted to know more about the Father after this visiting.

And it does not stop there, as our PEPE children could not return to the activities due to local government restrictions, she started receiving some children at her house to teach them a few things and especially about the Father’s love, in a non formal way.

This educator is an inspiration for many of us, even though she was yet recovering, without being able to leave her house for being weak, the love for children, for PEPE’s families and her love for God, made her to keep going with her work, teaching and ministering from her home.

The classes there in the region are returning gradually, this month the eighth to twelfth classes are returning to presential classes. We hope that soon the other classes and the preschool will also be able to return.

Because in PEPE is like that, the Father does not stop working ever, so neither do we, and for that we keep counting on your prayers and contributions.

Halima Ferreira
Regional coordinator of PEPE in South Asia

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