PEPE Retrospective 2021: “Bringing to memory what gives us hope”

Reviewing the events of this year leads us to reaffirm God’s power, love, and care for all, especially for the more than eighteen thousand children, families, and communities served by PEPE in the 31 countries where we operate.

We can only say “Long live the power to transform!”.

The year 2021 began with a world scenario of many uncertainties, the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic impacted many people in all areas. In Early Childhood Education, children experienced isolation at the stage when they most needed socialization. The lack of access to the internet, the lack of resources to provide food for children, and the unemployment of parents and guardians accentuated social inequality and hindered their healthy development. On the other hand, a great movement of love, giving, and provision has begun in the face of the countless needs.

In the middle of this scenario, at PEPE, we could see the power of God and of the Gospel transforming lives and realities.

Among the many stories of transformation, we highlight the story of Yacoub, a boy from one of PEPE’s units in West Africa 2. When PEPE resumed activities, he first came to one of our units with many behavioral, relationship and physical health problems due to a state of malnutrition. After a long period of follow-up, care and treatment he had much improvement in his health. However, he still had many wounds in his soul. Yacoub showed a feeling of anguish and deep sadness. PEPE’s educators prayed, interceded for his life, visited his home and family, provided several learning opportunities and also socialization with other children in the unit. God heard their prayers and Yacoub was completely restored. That sad, downcast, lonely, and downcast child gave way to a new child full of joy, life, and hope. It was the love of Jesus that flowed into his life in the form of care and protection experienced in PEPE. This is the most precious transformation.

In America, we also had several testimonies of victory. We highlight the assistance to children of PEPE Venezuela, through the “Há Fome no Mundo” – “There is Hunger in the World” Program. This program aims to provide nutritious food to children with chronic malnutrition, through the production and distribution of an Enriched Flour (FE) that is mixed into their daily diet. This year, 1220 children from 60 PEPE units in Venezuela benefited. We are very happy to see children experiencing healing of body and soul and being able to enjoy a healthier life.

In South Asia, even in the middle of consecutive lockdown periods, God has written beautiful stories in the lives of children and adults who have experienced His love through acts of generosity and giving in the midst of need.

The PEPE has achieved many victories: it has increased the number of units and children cared for, it has doubled the number of church leaders trained, families visited, and decisions for Christ. The planned activities were, for the most part, executed with the effort and dedication of everyone on the team.

To review the actions of the power of the gospel being manifested and transforming lives, renews our hope and trust in God, who with passion and out of compassion, for all of us, was born, died, and rose again so that we might have life, and life in abundance.

“I want to bring to mind what can give me hope” (Lamentations 3.21)

This inspires and strengthens us in the year that is ending and the one that awakens!

On behalf of the entire PEPE family, we thank you for the commitment, prayers, contributions and support of our partners, supporters, brothers and friends.

We wish everyone a blessed Christmas and a new year full of love and hope!

Terezinha Candieiro
General Coordinator of PEPE International