The Mexican PEPEs are on vacation, but the churches did not stop and held the famous Vacation Bible Schools (EBF). During the month of July, many EBFs were held, where all units promoted activities with the children served by PEPE, as well as their friends, siblings and neighbors. These weeks had a great impact on the community, making it easier to share the Word of God with other families.
The EBF held at the “Seeds of love” unit was a great blessing, both for the missionary-educators and for the families in the community. Approximately 40 to 50 children attended each day, where the gospel was shared through the stories of various biblical characters. This activity attracted a greater number of children, both preschoolers and other age groups.

At the “Love Bethany” unit, before the start of the holidays, they received a visit from nutritionist Fernanda Sierra, who presented the “Nutritious Foods” workshop. During the workshop, nutritious foods that were easily accessible to the entire community were shared, highlighting their benefits. In addition, a healthy dish was prepared so that PEPE children could identify the nutritious foods available in their surroundings.
Continue praying for PEPEs in Mexico, so that new units are opened and more children benefit in the educational and health areas, in addition to knowing Jesus and having hope for a better future!
In the power of the Holy Spirit, we will complete the mission at PEPE Mexico!
Pastor Dan Tostado
National Coordinator of PEPE Mexico
Text editing: Carmen Ligia