PEPE is born, against expectations

PEPE “Conquerors” was born in a late afternoon, on a visit to the pastoral couple Seck. The couple lived in a peripheral neighborhood in the city of Mbour, Senegal, where children did not have access to early childhood education. The Secks already had a vision of working with children, but they didn’t know how,yet. During that visit, the PEPE coordinator presented the program as an opportunity to make a difference in that community.

The couple understood that PEPE was the means that God would use to bless their community. So, it was time to work! Initially, authorization was sought from government and local authorities. Then, mobilization began in the community to promote the project and prepare the space. In the midst of the preparations, the head of the neighborhood said: “This is a good initiative, but here not even the Muslim school works, because the parents are not interested”.

However, we continued to pray and work, believing that God would make things happen. Consequently, in 15 intense days of work we received 40 children who started to be served at PEPE “Conquerors”. To our surprise, the parents responded positively to the mobilization that was carried out and despite the religious barriers, the winning little PEPE’s were registered.

José Ricardo Nascimento
Continental PEPE Africa Coordination

Gerson Paulino Raquissone – Translation

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