PEPE Equador celebrates 15th anniversary

In 2005, World Missions Board of Brazil presented PEPE Network to our Baptist Convention in Equator, like a strategy to reach new people and take hope to the heart of the child. In 15 years of action in my country, the program has blessed many families.
Each year has been a challenge and an opportunity of sharing God’s love and Truth. The 4.380 children that have passed by PEPE through our classrooms had the opportunity to meet Jesus. Most of our children keep on the way even after becoming adults and they actively work in their churches in ministries like music, childhood education, evangelism, among others. This time, we saw whole families surrender to God with their lives changed! We also heard many answered prayers done by the children with the heart full of faith after they have learnt how to pray at PEPE.

Each missionary educator worries about teaching all the children what they need to learn to enter the primary school, but above all, they have done all the efforts in the emphasis of the spiritual values. There are 18 units of PEPE in Equator divided among the regions of Costa, Serra and Oriente, with a total of 287 children being assisted at the current school period. And the projection for 2020 is to keep growing. New churches are interested in starting PEPE in their communities and other that are already working with us for years desire to start other units to reach more children that are around the temple.

Our team work at a national level is formed by capable people and full of love for PEPE. Everyone loves God, and is obedient to Him and preserve a good testimony. Together, we work to change the lives of many children all around our country with the true joy that we find only in Jesus. Soon we will make several trainings in different Equatorial regions, and we will prepare to receive all our missionary-educators at the yearly Meeting of PEPE. We wish that our children know and experience the love of God in their lives.

Ms. Angelica Marcillo Gutierrez
Coordinator of PEPE Network Equator

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