PEPE Colombia lives the power to change

The first PEPE in Colombia was born in the city of Cartagena in 2005, fruit of missionaries Ana Loide and Carmen Ligia’s work. The first missionary educator was Adalci de Avila, who nowadays is the national coordinator of PEPE. Since then, PEPE has passed for incredible and very blessed moments, and also for sad and difficult situations which were overcome by the power of God. He has always been in the guidance of this program, because PEPE was firstly born on His heart.

One of the greatest stories of all these 15 years has been to live the changing in the lives of children who have been with us, like Santiago. He had may difficulties to learn and develop in the educational area, and before coming to PEPE, he was expelled from many institutions due to his learning limitations. They have told his mother that they could not give any hope to Santiago. His mother, desperate did not know what else to do. It was then that she heard of PEPE which was starting in her neighborhood and she did not miss the opportunity. Very worried, she rushed there and shared her anguish with the missionary-educator and immediately she registered Santiago at PEPE.

At PEPE, with the time passing and with help, patience and a lot of love from our missionary-educator, Santiago started to develop in a very expressive way and soon he learnt to read, write and express correctly, showing what he felt without fear. Currently, Santiago is a happy and excited boy and the most important is that he loves and serves God with his family. Nowadays, after years, he keeps studying, relating with friends and has a beautiful future ahead of him, because he had at PEPE an opportunity to receive love, care, respect and strong basis for his educational future. His mother, moved said: “I praise God for the opportunity given to my son Santiago of receiving at PEPE so much care and opened doors for his worth educational carrier.” We give glory to God because in Colombia PEPE’s team lives the Power to change!

Adalci de Avila Angulo
Coordinator of PEPE Colombia

Carmen Lígia (Text Edition)
Coordinator of PEPE Americas

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