PEPE celebrates 21 years on world missions

In March, the Program of Pre-School Education (PEPE), a socio-educational program promoted by the World Missions Board in foreign fields, completes 21 years of ministry, bringing hope to thousands of impoverished children, families and communities around the world.

At PEPE, children have the opportunity to develop their potential through Children’s Education activities and at the same time to learn about Jesus. PEPE has contributed to the transformation of lives and realities.

PEPE’s program was created in Brazil in 1992 by the couple pastor Stuart and Georgina Christine, British missionaries of BMS World Mission. Initially, it was implemented in Jardim Olimpia Neighborhood, Sao Paulo, receiving the support of the Brazilian Association of Incentive and Human Support (ABIAH). Soon, it expanded to other communities through local churches in the country and the capital of the state.

In addition to national expansion, PEPE also had its international expansion. The first unit of PEPE International was started in 2001 in the second Baptist Church of Beira, Mozambique, with the missionary Terezinha Candieiro, benefiting 25 children. After Mozambique, PEPE went to Paraguay, with the missionary Lídia Klava and pastor Carlos Silva; Peru, with the missionary Lucy and pastor Joel Martiniano; And Chile, with pastor Silas Gomes. Then, other JMM missionaries, trained in the Program, implemented PEPE’s in new places. In 2022, PEPE are in 31 countries, helping more than 18 thousand children.

Over the years, we have had the privilege of recording various testimonies from children, missionary educators, and coordinators who are part of PEPE network. One of them is Maria Hilda, from Mozambique. She joined the first unit of the international PEPE in 2001. In addition to learning many contents of the Early Childhood Education curriculum, she learned to pray. When she got home, she told everything that happened at PEPE and the family paid a lot of attention to what she said and noticed the changes in her life.

In 2003, Maria Hilda completed pre-school education at PEPE and in 2004 entered primary education. According to her mother, she became a very smart and studious girl because she never flunked grades. Also, her mother testifies that PEPE was an important tool for her daughter’s life, because she became the pride of the family: grew, developed, graduated in Economics and

Management and currently completed her doctorate in this area.

May God be praised for the ministry of PEPE, and for the lives of all who dedicate themselves to “instruct children in the way they should walk”.

Through PEPE we live compassion by preaching the Word, meeting the need to educate thousands of children and glorifying God!


Terezinha Candieiro
General Coordinator of PEPE International

Translated by: David Balmant do Espirito Santo

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