Partnerships in Cabo Verde

At the initiative of the national coordination, PEPE Cabo Verde annually participates in a local government contest launched by the Ministry of Family and Social Inclusion. The public notice is opened annually for different social projects with the intention of benefiting Cabo Verdean families through social inclusion.

Since 2018, all PEPE units in Cabo Verde have benefited from this local government program that offers assistance for the purchase of teaching materials, sound and TV equipment, remodeling of the physical space of the units, as well as support in the supply of food for the community for the children’s daily meal.

“Yes, Lord has done great things for us, we are happy” (Ps 126: 3). God has allowed the growth and advancement of PEPE Cabo Verde which, despite all the challenges, currently serves 220 children.

This year PEPE Cabo Verde once again participated in the annual government tender and this time it also benefited from investment to expand the physical space of the PEPE Sorriso (PEPE Smile) unit, which will have another room to serve the children of the community, offering them access to pre-school. Later this month, a new partnership will be signed with the city council that will support PEPE Esperança (PEPE Hope) in the continuity of its activities.

We praise God for the efforts of the National Coordination in the search for partnerships so that PEPE continues to advance with excellence, bringing hope to the child’s heart.

Lia Coutinho
Coord. Aux. Complementary Projects

Translation by Gerson Paulino Raquissone

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