Worried about the food and nutritional health of the children served by PEPEs in Nicaragua, we started contacts to ensure the provision of food for all units. In this way, we established an agreement with the Ministry of Education (MEC), which now provides food for the 481 children who attend the 17 PEPE units in our country. We create a calendar in which parents commit to dedicating one day a week to preparing food in the best way possible. The MEC also presents each child, at the beginning of the school year, with a backpack containing school materials, in addition to providing teaching materials for each missionary-educator.
Another impactful activity took place at the Resurrection Baptist Church, where PEPE “Joyitas of Jesus” carried out, in partnership with the Baptist Hospital, a health journey that offered a full day of medical care to the community, reaching many adults and children. Through volunteer doctors, gynecological, general clinical, pediatric and dental care was offered, greatly benefiting the entire community.

Mrs. Roxana, Ashley’s mother, who studies at PEPE at the Rivers of water alive Baptist Church in Ochomogo, Granada, feels very grateful and blessed since her daughter joined PEPE last year. With love, she assists the missionary-educator almost every day, helping to care for the children. Roxana states that she feels committed to helping because the service provided by the church, through PEPE, is a great blessing for the children. They are well looked after, receive a Christian education and no longer have to walk long distances, as before, when there wasn’t possible crossing to preschool in times of rain. Thank God for PEPE!
Thank you for praying for the children and giving to PEPEs in Nicaragua!
We will continue working and bringing hope to many children, as we want to fulfill our mission, in the power of the Holy Spirit!
Lizeth from Trinidad
National Coordinator of PEPE Nicaragua
Text editing: Carmen Ligia