PEPE has been a blessing to our Venezuelan nation, both in reaching children, helping with the pre-school educational base, as well as feeding, caring for nutritional health and reaching out to families, as well as opening new churches by sharing the DNA of World Missions, PEPE’s mother. Lives are being transformed and impacted with a program that was born in the heart of God and arrived in our country!
In the city of Valencia, in the state of Carabobo, under the leadership of Pastor José Sarria, PEPE La Bombona was born in 2016. This missionary work began with a grand university vision. Soon, God moved our eyes towards the children in the communities. That was when we discovered the PEPE program, which is a wonderful program and from which we have seen many fruits. PEPE has opened many doors, so much so that our vision continues to be focused on children and adolescents, fighting to help them continue studying and have a university vision, becoming excellent professionals.
Today we are already a church, the Baptiste Mission Frontier Mission Church, which was born with PEPE and has reached many families for Christ! PEPE remains in the church, and we remain firm, reaching out to neighbors and family. Today, we have young people who were from PEPE and are firmly in the process of achieving their university dream. I am working as an area coordinator, and our missionary educators, like me, are attending university because we want to give the best for the children and for our God. Hallelujah!

The former nuggets got together and wrote a book that has already been published and has blessed many people in the community: Palabra de Lluvia. It was so important that they were invited to a significant event for Latin America in Caracas. The purpose was to awaken children’s interest in reading and sensitivity to writing, communicating and expressing their feelings.
We carry out an artistic-educational program for those leaving PEPE, guiding more than 60 children. This church has become a fundamental actor in the community through the Word of God, teaching values and organization. Furthermore, with strategic alliances with the publisher University de Carbono, a student was born, thanks to an alliance with a private school.
What a blessing to be a missionary-educator! What a privilege to teach many children and establish them in the Word of God! It is a challenge and a great responsibility; God has helped us before and will continue to help us because PEPE is His!
Marisol Rivas – area coordinator for the state of Carabobo – Venezuela
Ruth Saraid Cordero – national coordinator of PEPE Venezuela
Text editing – Carmen Ligia