Foolproof love

The complex humanitarian emergency in Venezuela increased malnutrition and food insecurity in all ways, reaching one in every three Venezuelan children, according to the estimations of UNICEF. Many of the children rights are at risk because of poverty. Therefore, in response to the nutritional needs, PEPE Venezuela DOES NOT STOP!

PEPE’s coordinator, sister Ruth, and her team took on challenges of not only feeding the heart of children, but also the stomach. Through the project Há Fome no Mundo (There is Hunger in the World), of World Mission Boards, it is possible to take food to children. Even with the difficulty of access to internet in Venezuela – many times to participate on our meetings it is necessary to climb a tree to reach signal – and with the weekly battle to get fuel, the distribution of the Enriched Flour did not stop.

Now, imagine the face of each child, their families and even the missionary-educators receiving the love of God in a comprehensive and tangible way, through enriched flour. I get emotional imagining the children seeing the arrival of a motorcycle, a bicycle or sometimes wagons or horses with their enriched flour.

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Mathew (25:40)

We thank God for all the provisions, for the love of our coordinator and for each sent offer through the Brazilian Baptists, who have enforced the mission of serving with love each Venezuelan boy and girl.

Ruben Gonzalez
PEPE South America Regional Coordinator

Translated by Débora Cristina Ribeiro dos Santos

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