“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” Matthew 9:36

It has been a great challenge to find inside the churches people who has the same vision that our Lord Jesus Christ had: see the people and feel compassion for them. Our country, Mexico, was powerfully influenced by the gender ideology; what has taken our leaders to legislate in favor of this ideology so dangerous for the children. Nowadays, our children have the blessing, even in the remote parts of the country,; to have a school that freely offers pre-school education. Even though, at the same time, they are being put as easy prey to the enemy as a result of an education based in the gender ideology and other human philosophies that are far from the essential principles of the Scriptures.
Due to this situation, we claim that the people of God join in a zealous cry for this new Mexican generation. That our God may raise inside the churches men and women with a compassionate heart toward the children; and that they have the vision to approach them to God’s love and to be available to give their lives for the children in our country.
God has been good with us by guiding us to minister a church in a central area of the country, putting us in a strategic point to promote PEPE. God showed his goodness allowing us to start a unit in Oaxaca and in Morelos and soon one in the state of Mexico. These PEPEs have been light among the difficulties, as we offer through these units a holistically care for the children. We thank our God for the missionary educators that committed themselves to serve knowing that what they do is not in vain, but they will have their beautiful reward: the love of the children that they assist day after day.
Our cry is the same as our Lord Jesus Christ, that motivated his disciples to “claim to God to send more workers for his harvest”, we wish to see the Mexico childhood reached by Christ, new generations impacted by His love and a country changed by the changing Grace of our God.
Bertha Salgado