Church’s actions in pandemic time

The pandemic has changed the world scenery in several contexts. The lockdown that aims to contain the community transmission wave has changes the routine and has affected especially less favored zones. Changes have drastically reached the population due to economy weakness, especially in a context based on subsistence activities. Besides, the health structure’s collapse due to increasing number of infected.

This picture of need and hunger that we observe in several places in the world reminds us the episode of bread and fish multiplication reported in the Gospels. Before a hungry crowd, Jesus says to his disciples: “You give them something to eat”. Therefore, just like today, the crucial question we have was what do we have to give them to eat? That moment they simply had five bread and two fish, a small amount before such a big crowd. The reality has been so different to the churches here in Africa before the increasing need of the population. Therefore, we have asked ourselves what we can do to help the families assisted by PEPE, mainly at the units located in a needy zone, without economic and structural resources. The question is how can we be a relevant church before such circumstances we have faced nowadays.

Here in Africa the churches have bravely faced the fight against COVID-19. They have done all the efforts to assist the needs of needy communities. We can highlight the work in churches in Sierra Leone, Mozambique and Cape Verde that has mobilized their members to provide food for the families of PEPE. In south Africa, the unities have contacted NGOs to provide food for children. And in Mali and Senegal, the churches have mobilized to make masks that is part of the protection kit against COVID-19 offered to students. The assistance with food and spiritual support are action that have done all the difference during this crisis moment. The challenge of the church is huge, but, the petitions done to the Lord for his assistance are continuous. We pray for daily provision and for God’s Kingdom to be established through Christ Jesus and God Father to be glorified in this challenging situation.

Ricardo Santos
Africa Continental Coordination

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