Celebrating PEPE International’s 21st Anniversary in Senegal

In Senegal, PEPE started in 2007 with one unit and there was an evolution in 2011, when it was opened a new unit. Currently, we have 22 units with 564 children and 42 missionary-educators, these children are experiencing integral development and remarkable progress in their educational development thanks to PEPE. Many communities benefit from the sense that their children have the opportunity to progress to primary education.

We celebrated the anniversary of PEPE International, the party took place in several of our units on different days. During the party, we received many testimonials and gifts from parents who are very happy with the role that this wonderful project has played in their community, they are very proud of the work of PEPE.

It is remarkable the commitment and enthusiasm that the missionary-educators showed during the preparations until the time of the celebration. The bond between missionary-educators is even stronger because of this celebration. The children enjoyed this beautiful moment of partying, playing, dancing and enjoying a snack worthy of the occasion

The photos of different units show the highlights of the 21st anniversary party of PEPE International, this party was a moment of communion, joy and reunion. For some, it was a moment of commitment from parents who once again demonstrated their gratitude to the PEPE by offering their services on this occasion. PEPE is a great blessing for Senegal and we rejoice together!

As coordination, we wish a happy anniversary to PEPE International.

Marie Simone NANGO
National Coordinator

Translated by Halima Ferreira