Breaking barriers to take hope

In the community of Bique, in West of Panama, we can find happy children at the PEPE unit Manancial de Vida, which was born in 2016. With the pandemic arrival in the country, in March of 2020, the presential classes were interrupted, and only in July we could return with the remote modality, like requires the Education Ministry to preserve the lives of children and missionary-educators.

In 2020 we could close the school year keeping the remote activities, with all the efforts of all our missionary-educators, with 12 children receiving all the instructions, now virtually.

When it was announced that this school year would continue with this modality in 2021, the missionary-educators thought that the parents would not register their children. They got very surprised, when the parents accepted the challenge to follow up their children on the first steps of their education.

And today we continued strong, waiting to pass this pandemic, but keep working virtually or semi presential, because in PEPE Panama children are in first place!

Belén Peñafiel
Coordinator of PEPE Panama

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