A cry for Venezuela

Venezuela is in a critical moment with many social and political conflicts all around. We, the baptists, are in a prayer chain. In many homes we are kneeling crying to God because the situation is very strong in Caracas, the capital, where many of our brothers are. We hope in God, that there will be no more deaths, that our brothers be free of the dangers, that God take care of the children at the units of PEPE.

This moment we stopped with all the classes in all the units, due to the danger that represents for our children. In many units we were having classes, we assist all the PEPE children in different areas, but mainly in taking care, health and meal. Now there is a very difficult situation again. Pray for us.

We ask that you be praying for our Venezuela, once again I ask you to pray for us. At the hospitals, each three days die until 60 people due to the lack of medicines, irresponsibility, lack of sensibility before the situations. The people, including the children, die like animals here, because they do not receive the proper treatment. There are no professionals to make the treatments.

Right now there are many people on the streets trying to change the situation. May God protect them. We continue in our houses, as family, working, ministering at the church, in the way we can communicate and help. We love you in the name of Venezuelan Pepitos! May God bless you!

A great hug from Venezuela to everyone. Thank you for praying for us. From here we motivate you to follow working in the Lord’s harvest. God bless you all, World Missions Board, pastors that help us in Brazil and everywhere. May God bless you.

Message from Ruth Saraid
Coordinator of PEPE Venezuela

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