“Faith”, bringing health and life to Venezuela

In times and situations of crisis, children, especially the ones in a vulnerable and social risk situation, are the most affected ones all around the world. But the changing power of Jesus, through the missionary work, is impacting realities.

At PEPE, one of the countries we have invested to help and relieve the suffering of children is Venezuela, this country lives in a chaotic situation. The people is unfortunately in a deep poverty, due to lack of jobs and lack of minimal resources to survive. For the population’s food, the government provides flour, a little of oil and maize. There are no vegetables, fruit or meat available. All this draws to a great malnutrition crisis, especially among children. The health system is collapsing: there is lack of medicine, the emergency service is faulty and many regions live without sanitation, what makes the needy population’s life even harder.
Currently, we have 1.811 registered children at 88 PEPE units that are followed by 156 missionary-educators. Each PEPE is an opportunity to educate and feed children and their families. This pandemic time, missionary-educators were such a great blessing. Beside guiding the pre-school activities, they also joined to a group of brothers from the churches, who arrived as volunteers preparing the famous arepas (small pancakes of wheat or corn flour) and a cup of juice that are given to children every day, to help fighting the hunger. Unfortunately, these meals do not bring the necessary nutrients for the children complete health, which creates a food crisis and many cases of severe malnutrition on children.

WMB (World Missions Board of Baptist Brazilian Convention), knowing this situation and before all the identified needs, has implemented the program THERE IS HUNGER IN THE WORLD, with the purpose of contributing to the food safety of children and their families. One of the intervention ways used is the production and distribution of an Enriched Flour, which the Portuguese abbreviation brings the word “Faith”!!

God has greatly blessed the implementation of this program at PEPE Venezuela, with our Venezuelan brothers serving in a voluntary and committed way. Several children were evaluated. Beginning with 23 units of PEPE in the cities of Acarigua and Araure, with a total of 495 children. Offerings were sent to buy materials, corn, sesame and spinach seeds.

Josefa Orozco, missionary-educator of PEPE “Semillitas de Acción 2”, located in North of Acarigua, was so happy and moved that she cried when understood that the donation of “Faith” will be able to help children from her community, in an extremely vulnerable situation, to have health and better quality of life, “We are very happy for what the Lord has done”, said the missionary.

We count on the prayers and cooperation of all the sponsors of this project to keep bringing love, hope and life to the heart of children, families and community population of Venezuela!

Let’s live the changing power!

Missionary Terezinha Candieiro
General Coordiantor of PEPE International

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