World vision blesses children from PEPE Nicaraguaian

To avoid the spread of Covid-19 in Nicaragua, a group of volunteers from the Organization “World Vision” managed, organized and arrived at the units of PEPE to donate 200 hygiene kits with toothbrush, toothpaste, masks, hand sanitizer and a lot more. Gladly we saw our plan of bringing POPE, which is our Odontology Program that aims to care for the oral health of our children to PEPE’s becoming real.

This volunteers also donated teaching materials and Bibles for all the units. And what was all that for? For children who attends PEPE’s units in Nicaragua everyday to keep learning and developing.

Thank you World Vision for the support given to the units of PEPE in Nicaragua through this excellent partnership. And they did not stop there, they will keep supporting with donations of chairs and tables proper to the age of PEPE’s children.

We just have motives to thank our God for such care for each child of our PEPE’s units in this very difficult pandemic time!

Lizeth Trinidad
National Coordinator of PEPE in Nicarágua

Carmen Lígia – text edition

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