PEPE Honduras conquering hurricanes and pandemic

Each year has been a great challenge for the Central America countries, when we need to prepare ourselves to receive the seasonal storms. This year, even with the pandemic very high in contamination, we were challenged, in Honduras, with the arrival of the hurricane ETA and strong seasonal storms which left many families homeless in several parts of the country, among them, 21 families from our PEPE’s.

Even with the storms or even the pandemic of Covid-19, PEPE did not stop in Honduras! We thank our God so much for not lacking strength to keep teaching children. This year despite of most of our classes be virtual, our brave missionary-educators of Intibuca, a needy region where we have several units of PEPE, celebrated the children’s day very excited.

Each opportunity of being with children is very well enjoyed. This occasion, we gave them clothes and school supplies for them to continue developing creatively at home. And we could not forget of giving some basic food, because in our reality, we still have many children without a proper and nutritive meal needing our help. Our God multiplied in a such way that we were able to give the basic food and deontology kits to all children from the PEPE units of Los Naranjos.

We ask you brothers to keep in prayer for Honduras PEPEs and for the great challenge we have to face of pandemic, hurricanes and seasonal storms’ barriers.

Alejandra Milla
Nattional Coordinator of PEPE Honduras

Carmen Ligia – text Edition

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