Victories at PEPE of Guinea Bissau

Recently, in a trip to the field in Guinea Bissau with the challenge of starting the implementation process of the Complementary projects of PEPE, that includes Health project, Nutrition project and Deontology Project (POPE), I had the opportunity to know closer the socio-economical reality of the country and follow the work that is been developed by PEPE at the local. Guinea Bissau, according to UN forms, is part today of the list of one of the poorest countries of the world and economical vulnerable. The Country has faced a history of political and institutional instability that gets even worse in this reality.

Before the lack that it is not only about the economical difficulties not even the restricted access to education and health, but also an affective and essential care lack, what is observed is that the children are exposed to a condition of physical, emotional and spiritual neglect.

PEPE, although, as a socio-educative program, look at the child holistically, having a vision and responsibility of being key reference program in the promotion of the holistical development of the child.
Today, PEPE of Guinea Bissau counts on 19 units spread on the north region, west, capital and on the islands that assist more than 480 children. Thinking in each one of them holistically we have developed actions that are not only limited strictly to the educational field, but also meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the children.

It was thinking about all this that the first steps for the implementation of the complementary projects of PEPE were given through the formation of the 44 Missionary-educators (ME), coordinators and cooperators of the Program in order to enable and prepare them to develop these projects where there are units of PEPE implemented in the region.

God always has ways and thoughts bigger than ours, and it was not different with the ways that we imagined for the implementation of these complementary projects here in Guinea Bissau. Through these projects God has given the opportunities that can change completely the physical and nutritional well-being condition of the children of PEPE Guinea Bissau.

We had the opportunity to make contact with local Nutrition Department of the Health Ministry and receive the support of this organization, establishing a partnership with the same in the development of actions against the childhood malnutrition. Another partnership was established with a christian clinic, the NGO Smiling World, that will offer the children of PEPE and their families medical and deontology treatment, besides preventive actions related to the oral health. Count on a medical and deontology assistance, besides the support of the local Health Ministry. Giving several vitamins and food supplement and other different resouces and working materials that not only makes us give a step toward the implementation of the projects, but to give a true jump in relation to the possibilities of changing in the health and nutrition general condition of the children assisted by PEPE.

I challenge you to keep praying for this ministry, for the lives of the children of PEPE Guinea Bissau and for the implementation of these new projects at PEPE.

That the grace of the Lord keep to guide our actions and enable us with wisdom that we may work with excellence for the advance of the Kingdom.

Lia Coutinho Lemos
Complementary Projects Coordination – Western Africa 1

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