PEPE in prayer and action in the fight against coronavirus

In this challenging moment facing the fight to CORONAVIRUS, PEPE is an action. More than ever we state our commitment of taking hope to the child’s heart, contributing for her well-being and holistical development, even in time of crisis.

We, from PEPE team, are in continuously prayer, communication, emotional support and monitoring of our team and the children enrolled at the local churches projects. Currently (2020) PEPE is being developed in 31 countries, in three continents: America, Africa and Asia. There are more than 20 thousand children benefitted and assisted.

Making a data collection of the current situation of the countries we found that in most of them are confirmed cases of people infected by coronavirus. Each government has taken the needed provisions according to the context. In most of them the schools have stopped their activities and, consequently PEPE as well. The children are in their houses with their families. It is a difficult time, but even though we have seen God’s move.

In those countries where for many children PEPE is the only place where they receive their meal or snack of the day, the churches are mobilizing. For example in Venezuela, with a lot of caution and care, brothers from the churches have done the meal and offered the families of the children. In Colombia, as PEPE has a partnership with an organization that donates fruits, vegetables and tubers, the parents go to the churches to pick this food for their families. In Guatemala PEPE received a donation of rice and give it to the families for them to prepare it in their houses. In Africa the churches are seeing the possibilities on how to help the families in this snack area. Even in the middle of difficult resources, we have experienced the generosity and availability of many people sharing what they have.

About the teaching plan, even in their houses children do the activities. For example, in Mexico and Honduras the missionary-educators submit the material for the children to make a few tasks. They got happy about that. The mothers sent us the pictures and it rejoiced our heart. There is an effort from everyone for the work to go on, respecting the social isolation.

Keep praying for this ministry. Pray as well for the resources and structure of the hospital health in these countries that are so precarious. They are many communities in a poverty situation. If the contagious is big, many lives will be lost. It is a great challenge, we cannot discourage, we need to trust that there is hope.

Join us and cooperate for the world to be changed with Jesus’ joy!

Terezinha Candieiro
General Coordinator of PEPE International

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