PEPE Arrives in Kenya

Kenya, situated in East Africa, is home to over 56 million people, with 80% identifying as Christians. According to the 2019 census, more than 17.8 million individuals attended school or educational institutions, and slightly over 3.3 million participated in preschool education. However, over 7.1 million people, predominantly vulnerable children, have never had the opportunity to attend school.

In December 2023, as part of its expansion plan, PEPE International, through the Worldwide Missions Board, dispatched us on a mission to Kenya to introduce the PEPE Program, aiming to bring the message of Christ to children, families, and communities.

After the initial three months of adaptation, we took the first steps towards implementing PEPE. We held a meeting with the leadership of the Kenya Baptist Convention, which resulted in positive feedback regarding the partnership documents.

In addition to engaging with the Convention leadership, we introduced PEPE to four pastors from the Mombasa Baptist Association. One of the represented churches expressed keen interest in initiating the process of establishing a PEPE program. Praised be God for opening these doors!

To commence the PEPE program in Kenya, obtaining either a residence or volunteer work visa is essential for us to work through churches within the communities. We ask for your prayers, trusting that God will guide all proceedings according to His will.

The establishment of PEPE in Kenya has been challenging, and we request your prayers for our visa application process, for the Convention’s completion of partnership documentation, and for Emmanuel Baptist Church, which has bravely embraced the challenge of initiating a PEPE unit.

David Fernando Panganhe – Regional Coordinator of PEPE English Language 2

Translated by Victor Baptista

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