Partnership with Texas church makes able the distribution of bibles to the children in Guatemala

In Guatemala we have today 20 units of PEPE working, where 565 children are studying and receiving the care and love of our Missionary-educators. Guatemala is a country of Central America, with more than 17 million of inhabitants, where 4.4 million of children are out of the school system. The main problems are always the high demand for food, many children with malnutrition or hunger in the project and many times the impossibility of the church to supply this great need.

We always have before us the great challenge to help our children that are in PEPEs to know the Bible. Having a Bible in their hands is of great importance for God’s Word to be among their hearts and houses. That’s why, our happiness was great when we had signed the partnership with the church in Texas, USA, that donated children Study Bibles for our PEPEs children that are in the capital.

It was very good to see the happiness in the face of each child showing the love they already have for God’s Word. Many children that lives in the red zone of cocaine traffic received a Bible to take it home. Using this opportunity, we had a formation with our missionary-educators. Now, each one of them is ready to disciple the children with this Biblical material received and thus helping them to know Christ.

Another great blessing is that among the natives, that today covers more than 40% of the Guatemalan population, we have a teacher graduated in Pedagogy and he is available to help and teach other volunteers to improve their children education. It is a blessing because he speaks the children language and perfectly understands the culture to better teach and explain the philosophy of PEPE. Keep paying for Guatemala, for each child that is part of PEPE and for the possibility of opening other units to reach more children for Christ!

Carmen Ligia Andrade and Nora Mendoza, respectively Regional Coordinator of Central America and Caribbean PEPE and National Coordinator of PEPE in Guatemala.

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