PEPE reaches children in the Dominican Republic

PEPE alcança crianças na República DominicanaThis beautiful Caribbean Island has 10.972.755 inhabitants, being 27% of the population younger than 14 years old. The basic education, which includes 8 grades, is almost universal, has increased the net coverage ratio to 95%, but even though only 48% of the population between 3 and 5 years is going to a school.

For them the 52% forgotten , arrived PEPE that has reached many children in many cities of the country. We have this year 411 children studying in 19 units. The children are taught by 28 missionary educators that voluntary work to take the love of God to these children.

Juana de Mora, our coordinator of Dominican PEPEs shared: “At the PEPE that is at the Frailes church, we already have three completed families converted and firm in the church; and at the community of Jayaco, the director of a government school said very excited that the best thing that happened in Jayaco was PEPE arrival, because it gives opportunity for the children to get at the primary level with a prepare never seen before, making it much easier the work of the teacher in the first year.”

God acts in a great way in the lives of each of our PEPE students and through the lives of each one of them. One boy of PEPE that is located in the community of Haina Moza invited the father to go with him to the church, soon he invited his mother, and after took his sister, and today the whole family accepted Jesus as their Savior. Now, in their house weekly works a Bible studying cell.

This is our task: make of the child our missionary field, then soon he will be a missionary taking Jesus inside his house.

Juana de Mora
PEPE National Coordinator
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