Children assisted and familias changed by PEPE in Nicaragua

Nicaragua is a country of Central America, that has today 6,15 million inhabitants, being 42% younger than 18 years old. More than three hundred thousand children are working to assist their families. The climate in the country is of social and political tension after the strong protests that started on April 18th of 2018 and already lasts more than a year. The protests repressions to the protests last year, that started with the dissatisfaction against the social security reform, which leaded to 325 deaths, 2000 wounded, according to the defense organism of the human rights.

Even though, for some of these children has arrived the help through PEPE that was born and grew in Nicaragua. One of our children, student of one of our units in the country, has been suffering a lot with many members of her family missed, running away from threatens of death that they received during the conflicts. Another child had her father and brother shot. The girl is very sad because her father is admitted in the hospital in serious condition.

However, besides all this we can see God acting in the lives of our children. For example, in the life of Joshua that studied two years with us. The boy was not only literate, but also met Jesus e gave his heart to Him. Due to his experience with Jesus, soon he became a missionary and brought his mother and father for Jesus. The happiness of the family is contagious. Today, Joshua’s parents are being discipled by pastor Omar, leader of the church where PEPE works, and they are being prepared to get married and after that baptized. Children like Joshua makes worth any effort, and God has sent many of them to our PEPEs. To work for the Lord is never in vain. The family picture that follows this news was one more reached for Jesus Christ. The oldest daughter already left PEPE, but the younger boy is still studying with us at PEPE Jewelry of Jesus. The testimony of two children that brought the whole family for the presence of the Lord for God’s glory. Besides that, a “small group of multipliers” is working in the house of this family.

This is the challenge of PEPE: take Jesus to the life of our children, for them to take Jesus to their own houses!!!

Lizeth Trinidad
PEPE Coordinator in Nicaragua
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