PEPE Panorama in Honduras

With the support of several churches PEPE has grown in our country, Honduras, Reaching many children and changing their lives and also their families. “I thank God for using me because I am pretty sure that only Him is able to support me to in doing all the formations needed for the growth of PEPE in Honduras. I also give glory to God for my husband’s life, pastor Pablo Cruz, that together with my two children has followed me driving more than 8 hours in an unsteady and difficult road.” Says the national Coordinator of PEPE in 

On Tuesday, November 5th, we have traveled to the department of Intibunca that stays approximately 263,41 km from the city of Dolores in Honduras We went there to train 15 new missionary educators. The training happened in partnership with the World Vision, that blessed the children, and has supported in the opening of 5 new PEPEs providing materials and support for the missionary educators.

PEPE Panorama in Honduras

This project has as a purpose to rescue children from the child labor, considering that it is located in a coffee cultivation region where the parents send their children to the farms very early to work in the prune and harvest of the coffee. Yet, this beautiful project will be able to rescue the children from this hard work and from the risk of suffering sexual abuse in the lonely, far and huge mountains that are the coffee farms. This is one of the poorest regions of the country where the children are completely abandoned. But thanks to JMM and the support of all the ones that contribute with PEPE we have reached many children that were abandoned with the love of God.

All the sacrifice worth the reward to know that PEPE will reach more than 400 children and will give each one of them a new life opportunity. At the same cities mentioned above, new PEPEs are being opened what will take us to reach 10 units in our beautiful country!

Please, pray because our PEPEs that are in very poor places need the basic services as toilets, meal for the children snack, health, etc.

Thank you very much for praying and bringing PEPE for Honduras!

Vilma Alejandra Milla Paz
National Coordinator of PEPE Honduras

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