PEPE contributes to a green planet

In El Salvador there is the Tamulasco River, which is considered the lung of the department of Chalatenango, located near the Angelitos de Jesús unit. This river has been contaminated by receiving a lot of organic and plastic waste every day. The entire PEPE team, the church members and even the children, concerned about the situation, prepared for a day of cleaning.

When the big day arrived, everyone left happy with their gear working to improve the air they breathe, the place where they step, the water they use and the planet where they live. While singing and smiling that group of people cleaned up everything that prevented the flow of the river making the region much more beautiful in its surroundings. Attitudes like this, is exactly what they have learned at PEPE: we have to take care of the planet that God has given us to live on!

According to the WHO (World Health Organisation), more than 3 million children under the age of 5, die each year in the world from environmental causes. Theory is often forgotten, so it is necessary that what we teach be put into practice. At PEPE we teach our children to value, care and preserve nature, showing them how to take care of the environment, starting with the world around them.

Pray for PEPE in El Salvador!

Veronica Torrento
PEPE Coordinator El Salvador

Text edition: Carmen Lígia

Translated by David Balmant do Espirito Santo

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