Caring for children in Mexico

We had the joy of delivering 50 food supplies to the families of children from PEPE “Servir y dar” (Serve and Give) in the city of Monterrey, Nuevo León. Therefore, it was possible to benefit 79 children, contributing to their integral development by providing them with food in the midst of a pandemic that severely affected the economic situation of the families. At the same time, they were provided with academic support material to continue strengthening their development through remote PEPE.

On one occasion, Jesus taught his disciples about the greatness of service, emphasizing that the greatness of a man is not in his status or power, but in the passion of his humble heart, willing to serve the most vulnerable. It is wonderful how our Lord Jesus calls a child and sets him as an example saying, “Whoever receives a little child as he is in my name receives me, and whoever receives me receives not only me but also the Father who sent me” Mark 9:37. In the face of this clear teaching, we respond with our lives to the service of all children.

We thank our God for his provision, goodness and grace, and we thank the Civil Association “Servir y Dar” for their great contribution in providing the food needed to bless so many families.

In Mexico, we live the power of transformation!

Bertha Salgado
National Coordinator of PEPE Mexico

Gladys Ortiz
PEPE Regional Coordinator Central America, North America and the Caribbean.

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