Nutrition Project arrives in Guinea Bissau, Cape Verde and Senegal

As a result of food deficiency and, consequently, malnutrition, the full development of children in situations of social vulnerability ultimately gets compromised. As a plan to respond to the nutritional needs of our children, the PEPE Nutrition project was born.

Malnutrition remains a public health problem in most developing countries. In poor countries, malnutrition is the cause of 45% of all deaths of children under 5 years old, according to UNICEF’s 2016 data. This reality is present in many countries where PEPE operates, and it is a great challenge to confront the difficulties faced by many families assisted by the Program.

In Guinea Bissau, Cape Verde, and Senegal, the first steps for the implementation of the Nutrition Project have already been taken. We are progressively advancing in the training of missionary-educators, in the nutritional assessment of children, in sensitizing families through nutritional education, and in the search for partnerships that will boost the expansion of our actions. Currently, we have a total of 1,464 children assisted by PEPE in the three countries. Our efforts have been so that all these children are impacted by the actions of the Nutrition project.

There is still much to be done to reach all the children assisted by PEPE. Our heart’s desire is to contribute even more to the improvement of the nutritional status of these little ones. We believe that He who began this good work is faithful to lead us to the end. We count on your support in our commitment to bring hope to the heart of the child, thus living the power to transform.

Lia Coutinho
Assistant Coordinator for Complementary Projects

Translated by: Juliana N. Martins

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